March 22, 202510:25:59 PM

The Biggest PSVR Releases Of The Week 08/15/18

The Biggest PSVR Releases Of The Week 08/15/18

It’s yet another quiet week for PSVR owners, though that’s not such a bad thing when we know The Persistence is launching next week. Hang in there!

Sea of Memories, from Ivanovich Games
Price: £7.99 (EU Only)

A relaxing puzzle game in which you navigate between islands in an expansive ocean. You have to solve illusion-based puzzles, putting together the pieces of the protagonist’s mind as you go. It might look a little rough, but if you’re a fan of optical illusions this is one to check out.

Hopalong: The Badlands, From From the Future
Price: $24.99

A cheerful little first-person shooter in which you ride a toy horse by shaking your controller up and down. You’re on the hunt for bandits and must use a range of weapons to take them out. There’s a lot to like about Hopalong, though it’s ultimately a little shallow and completely inessential.

Read our full review.

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