Universities across the globe have to ensure they’re at the forefront of technology, helping teach what’s relevant to the next generation. This of course goes for virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) tech, so today Galilei, a new company of Concordia University has announced the creation of XR:MTL, an Innovation Factory focused on XR technologies in conjunction with Ubisoft.
Based in Montreal, Canada, Concordia University will host XR:MTL and Galilei running the day to day operations. The Factory’s focus will be on developing applications that have market potential. It will bring together corporations, academia and startups to catalyze and accelerate open and commercially targeted innovation, including the creation of new ventures and novel experiences across industries.
“A new and more mature wave of experiences is emerging. XR technology will find its way into our everyday lives and impact the future of work in many industries. Montreal’s combination of world-class research, technical and creative talent positions us to become a global leader for XR,” said Stéphane Marceau, CEO of Galilei.
As for Ubisoft’s involvement the videogame developer and publisher is creating “L’Atelier XR”, a space inside the Factory aimed at collaborating with the Montreal XR ecosystem. “Ubisoft has been investing in virtual reality for several years and has emerged as a world leader in the field of XR entertainment,” said Deborah Papiernik, Vice-President, New Business at Ubisoft. “We have developed and championed core technological advancements to bring XR closer to the public. For Ubisoft, XR:MTL represents a great platform to build new services and commercial applications, to extend our XR talent base and capabilities, as well as to build a new network of innovation driven partners.”
To achieve its goals XR:MTL has already established global partnerships with companies including Oculus, D-Box and Triotech, as well as several hand-picked startups including Aperium, Ova, The Phenomena, VRTracker and Pixelbug. As XR technologies span various sectors so will the Factory’s solutions, with development aimed at the entertainment, healthcare, aerospace, education and other industries.
As XR:MTL continues to developer and grow, VRFocus will bring you the latest updates on the innovation hub.
via Mint VR