Narrative virtual reality (VR) experience Anamorphine has a few delays on its way to its release on HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR at the start of August. Despite holding the title back so developers Artifact 5 could ensure the best experience, there is still some more polish to be applied, as demonstrated by the announcement of a new patch.
According to the developers, a number of bugs and glitches are being corrected with the new update, which should improve the experience for both VR and non-VR players alike.
Some of the issues covered by the patch over both PC and VR problems, including:
- All Menus now appear in Vive as they did with Oculus.
- VR can now be toggled if you’re using the Vive
- Full support for VR motion controllers (cursor/no cursor, step/smooth) throughout the game
- Fixed gamepad issues in VR
- Fixed a portal issue that caused double vision in VR
- Fixed issues where quick movements would cause out-of-sequence loads in both VR and Flat
VR-Specific issues fixed by the patch includes:
- In-Game Trigger warning has a font rendering issue. Looks garbled. (this will be fixed promptly)
- Toggling VR on and then back off with Oculus will crash the game
- Fastest and Fast quality modes have a LOD issue making the game unplayable
- Some portals and thresholds are difficult to traverse in VR with a cursor
- When entering areas with distorted gravity, the VR cursor will have an offset orientation
- One of the VR captures does not fade quickly enough
- VR players can still move during loading
- VR Menu is stretched a little
- Mindscapes have a strange floor collider at the start location
- In VR when the player goes through a choice portal, they land inside the floor
Anamorphine is a somewhat surreal adventure, which follows protagonist Tyler, who struggles with his mental health, consumed by guilt and deniable after an accident befalls his wife. Tyler’s wife, Elena was a professional cello player, and her accident robs her of her ability to play, leaving her to sink slowly into depression. Tyler needs to overcome the painful memories and learn how to reconnect his relationships.
A PlayStation 4/PlayStation VR optimisation is also being worked on, though a release date for this is yet to be confirmed. For further news on Anamorphine and other updated or upcoming VR titles, keep checking back with VRFocus.
via Mint VR