Developer Dream Dev Studio have released a new update for their virtual reality (VR) first-person shooter (FPS) title Death Horizon. The new update brings a number of new features and improvements to the title that enhance the player experience while also expanding the gameplay.
In Death Horizon players take on the role of a soldier who is tasked with battling the T12 virus which has broken containment at the Horizon research station. As all the researchers are now walking corpses it falls to players to kill every last zombie. With the new update players will be able to invite friends to join them via Oculus Room, along with avatar support on Oculus Go, Samsung S8 or newer devices along with voice chat support to help with the online experience.
New gameplay features that are being added to the title with the update including detailed online statistics which can be viewed in-game. Players will also now be able to share ammo between players to help during those intense firefights which will be important to do now as there will be two extra waves increasing the play time. If that was not enough then the title is also getting a number of improvements to the graphics and special effects within multiplayer games, making the gameplay more visually appealing.
VRFocus’ Senior Staff Writer Peter Graham reviewed Death Horizon saying: “The core gameplay and visuals in Death Horizon are really good for a Gear VR title, it’s just a shame the experience is so short lived with nothing to keep you coming back. There’s one point towards the end where the path splits and you’re offered two routes – they both end up in the same place – it’s this sort of variety Death Horizon really needed throughout, being able to wander around the laboratory to uncover more gruesome hostiles. Death Horizon is trying to compete with titles like Drop Dead, Dream Dev Studio need to expand the experience more to make it a true contender.”
Death Horizon is available now on Gear VR and Oculus Go for £3.99 (GBP) and on Google DayDream for £6.99. For more on the title and Dream Dev Studio, keep reading VRFocus.
via Mint VR