Card players have been able to enjoy playing poker in virtual reality (VR) on the go since the Oculus Go launched back in May. Like many other titles, Poker VR was available at launch for the Oculus Go, but now Oculus Rift owners can enjoy playing poker in VR with friends from the comfort of home and with a high-powered PC, with its release on Oculus Rift.
Poker VR is a free-to-play multiplayer poker game designed for VR that embraces the social nature of poker as a game that brings people together. The development team have focussed on bringing the real life experience of poker to the online world of VR.
The title was developed by Mega Particle, who have created a social-orientated VR title that works cross-platform across mobile VR, stand-alone and PC VR. A highly customisable avatar system has been created that means over 1 billion avatar combinations are possible.
It is even possible to convey some limited body language through the player’s head and hands, something which experienced poker players will know can be vital for reading a bluff. The development team says the title is capable of realistic facial expressions which respond to the player’s voice.
According to Hamza Siddiqui, CEO of Mega Particle, “on Oculus Go there are a lot of players that play regularly and everyday. Poker VR is now on all pertinent VR platforms, next up we will be extending this universe to become the entertainment hub for all.”
Mega Particle says that Poker VR has seen over 60 minutes of daily play per user, and the title is one of the highest grossing free-to-play apps on the Oculus platform, with an Average Revenue per Daily Active User (ARPDAU) of above $0.70. There are daily social events and regular tournaments that encourage users to participate regularly.
Further information can be found on the Oculus Store page. For future coverage on Poker VR and other new or updated VR titles, keep checking back with VRFocus.
via Mint VR