March 18, 202505:54:00 AM

The Biggest PSVR Releases Of The Week 08/19/18

The Biggest PSVR Releases Of The Week 08/19/18

I think we’re all eagerly awaiting the arrival of next week a little too much to pay much attention to this week’s releases, but there are still some things you should definitely check out. Most notably there’s a free taster of Ubisoft’s next VR game on offer, and more experiments in the realm of VR music.

Transference: The Walter Test Case, from SpectreVision
Price: Free

Normally we wouldn’t include a demo on this list, but Transference’s early showcase actually includes unique content that’s a prequel to the full game. Get an early taste of this psychological thriller exclusively on PSVR and get a feel for how the game’s mix of real-time and CG content is going to work. The full thing launches next month.

Track Lab, from Little Chicken Game Company
Price: $19.99

Another musical VR experience, this time allowing you to create your own music by arranging beats and notes. Puzzle-like challenges will teach you the basics of the game before you’re let loose to create and mix your own tunes. We weren’t super keen on the game, though perhaps music fans will find it to be a fitting complement to Electronauts.

The post The Biggest PSVR Releases Of The Week 08/19/18 appeared first on UploadVR.

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