March 22, 202505:11:30 AM

Kickstarter for VR Spanish Language Course Now Seeking Funding

Learning another language is one of those things that many of us would like to do, but few of us have the time or money to attend language classes, and nothing quite beats being totally immersed in a language and attendant culture when it comes to learning a language. Morning Calm Productions think they have a solution for this, which involves offering language courses in virtual reality (VR).

Morning Calm Productions have launched a Kickstarter for Dynamic Spanish, a VR language course, which will have a total of 24 lessons, topping out at 12 hours, along with worksheets, audio files and transcripts.

A free two-hour trail for the course is available so potential customers and backers can try it out and get a feel for the experience. The course uses monoscopic 360-degree video, which can be viewed on a range of devices, from Google Cardboard or Oculus Go through to high-end headsets like the PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Windows Mixed Reality devices.

The Kickstarter campaign is aiming to raise $19,365, with 25 days of the campaign still to go. Funding tiers range from £10 (GBP) for a digital postcard from Spain, along with access to project updates. £25 of above gets the backer the two-hour trail course, along with the ability to offer feedback on the trial to influence future development.

Higher tiers include the £45 Malaga tier, which will get the backer the full, final version of Dynamic Spanish at a 50% discount, as well as the digital postcard and 360-degree images included in lower tiers. The highest tier is £1,000 Madrid tier, which will get the backer an Associate Producer credit, along with a VR cocktail making class and a 360-degree video of the Las Fallas Festival.

Further information can be found on the Kickstarter page. For future coverage of other VR Kickstarter projects, keep checking back with VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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