March 19, 202502:22:06 PM

Life In 360°: “When You’re Facing The End, Your Pilgrimage Begins”

Wednesday is a time for metal. I’m not sure who, if anyone, said that, but let’s go with it for the time being. Let’s be honest it’s a Wednesday. No one really likes Wednesdays. They’re just a half-way marker for the traditional working week. You mean I have to do everything I’ve already done again? Whoop-de-do.Life In 360° / 360 Degree VideoSo, on that basis I’d have thought sticking some metal on to make the walls of your office vibrate an all too sensible suggestion and, being Life In 360°, we’ve got something that’s also immersive. Well, sort of.

Arizona metal band Soulfly have been thrashing guitars and screaming about religion, armageddon, and the darkness of the soul since 1997 – and judging by the news in the last six months they seem pretty on point in 2018. I’m not sure that’s exactly a good thing, really. In any case they band have a new album out this year, Ritual, of which the first single Evil Empowered (see what I mean) came out last month.

“I am really stoked to be working again with two of my favourite artists, Eliran Kantor and Marcelo Vasco! The Ritual artwork is very mystic and captures the vibe of the album perfectly. For this one, we really tried to retain the groove of early Soulfly as well as my love for the heavy, fast stuff I’m into: like death and black metal and some hardcore.” Exclaimed Soulfly guitarist and vocalist Max Cavalera. “Working with Josh Wilbur for Soulfly this time around has been amazing. He’s a huge fan and added a lot to the record. I would fight for the fast songs and he would always push me to add more groove. I think in the end we created a really cool mix of songs that covers a lot of ground in my career. Let the Ritual begin!”


In promotion for the next release, the band has released a 360 degree video for the title track, Ritual. Except it’s not a music video or anything like that. It’s more the album art has come to life and smothered you like the giant white ball from The Prisoner. But for music fans who want to check it out, and VR fans who really want to get away from things for five minutes, you can find the video below.

via Mint VR
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