March 24, 2025

New Sony Patent Reveals PlayStation VR Motion Sickness Technology

For any users virtual reality (VR) is a pleasant time that allows them to escape from reality and enjoy a range of new experiences. For some though, motion sickness can cause a host of different problems which can put a real damper on the level of enjoyment someone might get out of a title. Though many companies have looked a ways to combat this it seems that now Sony have a plan as a new patent points towards a solution for motion sickness designed for the PlayStation VR headset.

PlayStation VR patent

As reported by comicbook, Sony filed the patent back in 2017 and it details a means to help make the PlayStation VR experience ever better by lowering or removing the effects of motion sickness that come from the simulated motion within VR titles. Now that the patent has been pushed through and published we can get our first look at how the solution Sony has thought up might work and how it could result in smoother VR experiences for all.

The patent details how Sony hopes to improve the user experience by giving the PlayStation VR features to firmly situate a “health threshold value” that would be able to tell when the user is beginning to become over-stimulated. As everyone that suffers with motion sickness feel the effects at different points, this system could help to detect and prevent the impact of motion sickness.

PlayStation VR patent

A microphone is also seen in the patent that would be implemented to target “negative” words that are evidence of user displeasure. This feature would not stop the effects of motion sickness from occurring it could be helped in stopping the VR experience before the effects become to strong. This suggests that, among other things, Sony are focusing this solution of control rather than prevention of motion sickness. You can see the patent for yourself here.

What is interesting to note about the patent is that it features a wireless headset that features a battery for a more self-contained set up. Currently the PlayStation VR headset requires users be connected to the PlayStation 4 through a number of cables and even sit within the range of the PlayStation Camera. This might be nothing, but it could also be a hint towards the next step that Sony plans to take with any updated models of the PlayStation VR in the future but of course, this is all just speculation for now.

VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on this and everything PlayStation VR in the future so stay tuned for more.

via Mint VR
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