March 23, 202501:28:57 PM

Plan Your Oculus Connect Experience With OC5 App

2018 will mark the fifth year of the Oculus Connect conference, an event which first began as a small collection of virtual reality (VR) developers and creators, and which has now grown into a massive conference that does its best to make a big impact on the immersive technology scene. For those who are planning on attending the event, Oculus have made a special mobile app available to ensure attendees get the best out of the event.

Oculus Connect 5 is now right around the corner, and will reveal much about the future plans for products like the Oculus Rift, Oculus Go and Samsung Gear VR, along with news of upcoming Oculus hardware and software.

In order to give attendees and other interested parties the best experience, Oculus have released a free app which will provide all the information about the event. Users of the app will be able to stay up to date on announcements as well as sign up for demonstrations, create a personalised schedule or browse maps of the venues, among other things.

The app contains a full conference agenda, with details on topics, speakers and descriptions along with a personalised itinerary with saved sessions, accessible maps so users can locate product demonstrations and sessions, reminder notification of upcoming sessions and FAQs and details on wi-fi configuration.

The app has been designed to be invaluable for attendees at Oculus Connect 5, and might also be useful to users who plan on engaging with OC5 remotely using the Oculus Venues VR livestream.

A large range of keynotes and sessions are planned, which will cover topics such as designing for mass market VR, creating content for the Oculus Go and storytelling using 3DoF.

Oculus Connect 5 will take place from 26th-27th September, 2018 at the McEnery Convention Centre in San Jose. Further information can be found on the Oculus Connect website. For future coverage on Oculus Connect 5, keep checking back with VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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