March 27, 202504:19:12 AM

The Hunt Is On as Tribetoy Reveal First Clue in Bow to Blood Treasure Hunt

Treasure hunts have formed part of fiction and childhood adventure for centuries, and when it comes to videogames, entire communities have sprung up around the search the uncover mysteries and easter eggs in videogames. Hoping to provoke exactly this, developer Tribetoy have revealed the first part of its brand new community event, which takes the form of a game-wide treasure hunt in Bow to Blood.

The idea of a treasure hunt is certainly thematically appropriate for a title which is centered around giant galleons floating around in the sky blasting each other to bits, so the nautical/piratical slant is both expected and fitting.

Bow To Blood - Update 1 Clue

The treasure hunt has been introduced as part of the first content update for Bow to Blood, which offers more voice over work from your faithful crew, along with the expected bug fixes, though the hidden treasure is clearly the main draw of the update.

The first clue reads as follows: “A gaze from the port eyeball rest, gifts a rock slanted. By its feel lie a clue, that shall not be found by late giants.”

The player who manages to figure out all the clues and follow them to find the hidden treasure will have the chance to work with the developers at Tribetoy for the chance to put their own mark on Bow to Blood.

Bow to Blood was positively received in its VRFocus review, saying: “Beyond the combat, there is an impressively in-depth relationship system, which involves trading favours and making alliances with other competitors. You often find you need to carefully weigh up the pros and cons of helping or hindering another contestant in a way that is often more engaging than the actual combat.”

Bow To Blood - Screenshot

The trailer for the new update is also available to view below. Further coverage on Bow to Blood and other VR titles will be here on VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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