March 23, 202501:44:32 PM

Astro Bot Rescue Mission Is The Highest Rated VR Videogame Of All Time

One of the most highly anticipated virtual reality (VR) titles to come to the PlayStation VR was none other than Astro Bot Rescue Mission. Developed by Sony Japan Studio the title has been on many peoples radars for sometime and now following its release it seems that it has been somewhat of a success, as it now stands as the highest rated VR videogame of all time.

Astro Bot: Rescue Mission

As reported by gamingboltAstro Bot Rescue Mission is doing surprisingly well on a number of different aggregator websites. This includes Opencritic where the title has a rating of 89 and is one of the highest rated titles of the year. On top of that the aggregator VR Game Critic has the score for the title at 91 making it the highest rated VR videogame on their record. If that was not enough than Metacritic, one of the more popular aggregator sites, sees the title again standing as the highest rated VR videogame of all time with a score of 90 and a user score of 9.0 from over 200 ratings.

These numbers go to show just how magical the title is and how much of a success the launch as been. Though there is no information available at this time regarding sale numbers, it is clear that it has done well with those playing it regardless of how many that might be.

Astro Bot Rescue Mission - Screenshot (E3 2018)

VRFocus’ Staff Writer Rebecca Hills-Duty reviewed Astro Bot Rescue Mission giving it plenty of praise and saying: “While Astro Bot Rescue Mission isn’t quite as charming as Moss, or as superbly crafted as Mario Odyssey, it is a great old-school platformer for the VR era, bringing some of the best features of both 2D and 3D platformers of old and incorporating VR in a way that doesn’t feel awkward. This is a fun, lighthearted way to spend some time in VR, and worth checking out.”

If that was not enough, the title has also been confirmed to have a demo coming soon as well which will give players who have yet to try it out a chance to experience the adventure for themselves. Though only a small taste of the full journey, starting on October 16th PlayStation VR owners can download the free demo and joy the fun.

VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on Astro Bot Rescue Mission in the future so make sure to stay tuned for more.

via Mint VR
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