Its October so that means it’s essentially Halloween for the entire month when it comes to videogames, with plenty of spooktacular offerings soon to be released. For PlayStation VR there’s the chilling Home Sweet Home to look forward to, with developer Yggdrazil Group releasing a new trailer in preparation.
The first in a series of terrifying first-person horror games, Home Sweet Home throws players into a dark and twisted labyrinth, where a miasma of fear fills the air, dread bleeds through cracks in the ceiling and seeps down through broken floorboards, and anxiety grows stronger with every step. Based on Thai myths, lore and beliefs, the new launch trailer for Home Sweet Home gives a blood curdling look at whats to come this month, with no weapons to speak of, all you can do is run and hide.
To celebrate the upcoming release of Home Sweet Home, Mastiff has arranged a special livestream event, which will be hosted by Dan “Indie” Long, and will feature celebrity guest and horror film icon, Adrienne King of Friday the 13th fame. The event will begin at 2:00pm PST on Friday, 5th October, fans can watch via this Twitch link to see the videogame in action, chat with King, and win some prizes.
Originally, Home Sweet Home was due to launch digitally on 9th October, 2018. This has now been changed to 16th October, putting it inline with the physical release. The physical copy of Home Sweet Home will be exclusive to GameStop shelves across North America.
As for other horrific delights this month. Well PlayStation VR users will also see the culmination of The Exorcist: Legion VR, with the final two chapters arriving next week. Or for Oculus Rfit users there’s always RED: Lucid Nightmare.
One thing’s for sure, there’s going to be more scares over the next few weeks, so stay with VRFocus for more updates.
via Mint VR