Life In 360°: Up, Up and Away

Having gone on holiday this week our usual Life in 360° creator Kev has left VRFocus’ regular morning video in my hands, with this week going for an out of this world theme. Having started on Monday by looking a massive space volcanoes on distant worlds today’s film is much closer to home, giving a glimpse at what it would be like to shoot into space from your garden.

Life In 360° / 360 Degree Video

A 360-degree hyperlapse video created by Sent Into Space, a team of leading Near Space launch practitioners based in the UK, the footage gives a wonderful look at what it might be like to leave the planet surface and head into the out extremities of our atmosphere.

Starting on a summer’s day in England, the balloon and Gopro Fusion camera soon find themselves above the clouds speeding ever higher into the crystal blue sky. As the darkness of space comes into view so does the curvature of the earth and if you know your geography the outline of the UK.

Of course all good things must come to an end so using a balloon system it does eventually pop and hurtle back down to earth. That’s not shown in the video but Sent into Space do mention in the comments: “Yeah, balloon burst and the rest of the footage is pretty nauseating as the camera spins around very fast. No fun trying to stabilise that!”

Watch the hyperlapse video in all its glory below and return on Friday for another Life in 360°.

via Mint VR
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