March 24, 202503:51:50 PM

VR Experience About Violence In Syria Now Available

Created by The ICRC and Google’s Daydream Impact Project is a virtual reality (VR) experience which takes the viewer into the lives of a family who are trapped by urban warfare. ‘The Right Choice’ puts viewers into the heart of the violence in a city in Syria, and gives them the chance to make decisions that can decide their fate.

The VR experience takes place in a re-creation of a typical living room of a Syrian family in a city, who are living with the consequences of the violence going on in the streets outside.

The representations of the environment and the actors who are playing the family have been directly inspired by real life. The ICRC’s Syrian colleagues were involved in the production of The Right Choice, contributing towards areas including scripting, casting and other creative decisions.

The viewer will be prompted to choose between two possibilities within the scenario of the film, both of which have devastating consequences. Failing to make a choice can trigger a hidden third scenario of pure panic.

The VR film was produced with the support of Google, and is part of the Daydream Impact Project. It is available for download from obth the Google Play Store and Apple App Store and can be viewed on smartphone VR headsets, such as Samsung Gear VR, Google Daydream and Google Cardboard. It can also be accessed directly by using the Lenovo Mirage Solo headset.

The ICRC is exploring different uses of VR, including creating immersive experiences and training purposes. The Right Choice is the first time that the ICRC plans to gather opinions and feedback on how the audience perceive the VR experience. This feedback will then be used to help further the ICRC’s mission of supporting people who are affected by war.

For future coverage of new and upcoming VR experiences, keep checking back with VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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