March 24, 2025

VR-Style NS Glasses HMD Use ‘Color Switching’ To Simulate 3D On Nintendo Switch

VR-Style NS Glasses HMD Use ‘Color Switching’ To Simulate 3D On Nintendo Switch

For some reason everyone seems to be obsessed with strapping Nintendo Switches to their faces. Back in March of last year we saw an amazing mock up of what a real Switch VR headset could be like and even though it’s all fake, it must have got a few people really excited.

We first spotted the NS Glasses over on Nintendo Life, which appear to be a simulated 3D HMD you clip your Switch into. It uses “color switching” on the lenses to give off a faux-3D effect with support for any and all games.

According to the company’s Facebook page, the “NS Glasses lens comes coated with Color Switching Technology tuned into a specific pattern that brings games to life, offering 18% perspective 3D experience.”

Worth noting is that this does not take advantage of the supposed hidden VR mode that hackers may have uncovered buried deep within the Switch hardware. In fact, the NS Glasses aren’t really VR at all.

Additionally, this isn’t the first Switch-supported HMD of course, as the Eye Theater from Thanko made headlines earlier this year. Obviously the NS Glasses aren’t actually VR because they don’t allow for any sort of head-tracking or immersive interaction whatsoever, but the claim of passive 3D and head-mounted display style certainly put it into a category beyond pure conjecture. Now that Oculus is claiming the Quest will compete with the Switch, maybe Nintendo will change their opinions on VR as a whole?

For more information on the NS Glasses you can sign up on the website to get 50% off when pre-orders start. Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

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via Mint VR
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