March 23, 202507:59:22 AM

Vuzix Announces Partnership With WakingApp

Most weeks have some degree of news from Vuzix. As we’ve mentioned previously on our coverage, the smart glasses company is perhaps the most prolific user of press releases in he industry. However this particular week in October has been something of a Vuzix-fest of news, as this will make the third announcement from the team in a week – and they’re all about very different things.
Vuzix - LogoToday’s news is one of partnerships, however. With the company, founded back in 1997, revealing that they have entered into a multi-year strategic partnership with the team from WakingApp. They will be supporting Vuzix’s augmented reality (AR) smart glasses through their ENTiTi AR Creator content creation platform. Currently at version 3.0, ENTiTi AR Creator “allows for rapid content creation, simple integration with existing apps, on-the-fly content updates, support multiple AR solutions including SLAM AR, QR tracking or Image Target AR using JavaScript for its advanced scripting capabilities”.

Vuzix in turn will be distributing up to 100,000 limited time licencees for ENTiTi to its various customers over the next two years. With model environments being released as demos for both its M300 and Blade Smart Glasses. The move is designed, the company says, to promote app creation, as Paul Travers, Vuzix President and Chief Executive Officer, explained.

“Our partnership with WakingApp will introduce a new community of developers to the Vuzix Blade and Vuzix M300 Smart Glasses opening the door for the creation of new applications and experiences for enterprise and consumers. WakingApp’s ENTiTi AR Creator 3.0 levels the playing field for developers by enabling individuals with zero coding skills to create AR content for Vuzix smart glasses. Vuzix is really excited to provide ENTiTi AR Creatorform.”

Vuzix Blade“We are extremely excited about this partnership, and of becoming an integral part of one the fastest growing segments in the AR space.” Adds Matan Libis, the CEO of WakingApp Ltd. “By integrating our ENTiTi 3.0 creator with Vuzix line of smart glasses we believe that there is great potential to accelerate the growth in both of our companies.”

VRFocus will have more AR related news, and probably more for Vuzix too, very soon.

via Mint VR
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