As virtual reality (VR) expands into new areas of retail, education and industry, a number of companies are growing to meet the demands of this emerging market. One of those is WorldViz, a VR solutions provider which offers services to the business and education sector. The company has just announced the launch of VizMove 2.0, a service designed for large scale, location-based and remote VR experiences.
The VizMove system comes in two parts, the hardware and software. The software comes with Vizible, WorldViz’s Python-based VR development engine. The hardware is flexible to the needs of the client and can include a range of components, including motion tracking, backpack VR units, projection VR, eye-tracking and other peripherals.
“In the enterprise VR space, many companies are looking for ways to present, communicate and explain products and projects better. In university settings, VR is enabling budget-friendly research that mirrors the real world,” said WorldViz CEO, Andrew Beall. “The power of VizMove VR 2.0 is its ability to adapt to both business and research settings. Companies and universities can solve a number of challenges with it, whether that’s cutting down on the costs and complexities of conducting experiments, communicating remotely, or presenting large products or new architectural designs at 1:1 scale.”
VizMove is popularly used in AEC nd university settings, but can be deployed in a number of other ways, such as warehouse-scale collaborative VR experiences, or for trade show VR experiences and R&D collaborative efforts.
The updated version of VizMove 2.0 includes the following:
- Vizard 6 development engine (upgraded from Vizard 5) or Vizible no-coding VR creation and communication software
- New VizBox systems
- Support for more 3rd party software and hardware, such as eye trackers, haptic feedback devices, and biophysiological sensors including EEGs, EKGs and GSRs
- Support for the latest versions of the Unity and Unreal game engines
- Support for new headsets, including WinMR and the new StarVR headset
- Support for laser-phosphor-based projection instead of traditional light bulbs, resulting in longer lifetime (20,000 hours) and no decay.
Further information on VizMove 2.0 can be found at the official WorldViz website. For future coverage of WorldViz and other developments for VR in business, keep checking back with VRFocus.
via Mint VR