March 19, 2025

Beat Saber Devs Respond To PSVR Exclusive Content Backlash

Beat Saber Devs Respond To PSVR Exclusive Content Backlash

The long-awaited release date for the PSVR version of Beat Saber was announced today, alongside some exclusive content for the new version of the VR hit. Unsurprisingly, the news was not met with much enthusiasm from those that aren’t getting the game on Sony’s headset.

The comments replying to Beat Saber’s tweet announcing the November 20th release date are filled with people upset about the PSVR-only features, which include a new campaign and five new songs. “Exclusive content really?” one fan wrote. “When the game is still in Early Access on Steam and we haven’t seen an update in months? Not cool”

“exclusive content? disappointing,” another wrote. “pc beatsaber has been carried by modders and mappers for months. literally carrying this game…. we have had 1 song added since release and it was mediocre. very disappointing.”

As such the team at Beat Games quickly set about explaining why the PSVR version is getting new content. The team’s Jan Ilavsky said that the developer wanted to give PSVR players “something new” as they had to wait longer.

Meanwhile, CEO Jaroslav Beck teased that there will be another announcement specifically on the PC side soon.

Finally, the official Beat Saber account promised that a deeper explanation was on the way. We’ll be sure to update you when that arrives.

Whilst PSVR’s Beat Saber will have exclusive content, we’re also not expecting it to get some features currently in development for PC, like a track editor. It remains to be seen if either platform’s exclusive content could cross over later down the line.

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