March 23, 202508:51:53 AM

Chess Inspired Four Kings One War Achieves Kickstarter Success

When it comes to strategy games one of the oldest and best known is Chess. Perfectly embodying the phrase ‘easy to learn, difficult to master’, Chess has made its way to virtual reality (VR) headsets in its classic form via titles such as Chess Ultra and Dungeon ChessNow there’s a new version coming to VR that alters the paradigm of this classic game, Four Kings One War.  

Four Kings One War

Having launched on Kickstarter a few days ago, Four Kings One War is a turn-based, real-time strategy videogame that can be played either single-player or with up to four players – as with Chess the ideal amount is two. Using normal Chess pieces, players take control of two regiments as though they were one army and get two moves per turn in a large coliseum-styled arena.

Unlike most videogames coming to Kickstarter the team behind Four Kings One War aren’t looking for funding to make the title as it’s already been made. Instead, the funds will be used to further develop the experience faster, stating on the Kickstarter page: “we have loads of great new features in mind and frankly, we’re in kind of a hurry to bring them to you. The sooner we have the funds, the sooner we can get on to building out our incredible vision for this game and, in the process, give you an even better Chess-based strategy game and strategic thinking community to engage with.”

These features currently include options like AI – the title only works in multiplayer at the moment – with NZ$50,000 being the stretch goal to make this a reality. The actual main goal was only NZ$1,500 which has already been achieved, meaning those backers who have pledged more than NZ $15 (about £8 GBP) will get a PC code for the videogame within 48 hours of the campaign closing (for VR access you’ll need to pledge NZ$23 (around £12)).

Four Kings One War

VR wasn’t the first port of call for Four Kings One War – it originally began as a normal board game – but the team wanted to make sure that first taste of the game was as impressive as possible. So they partnered with StaplesVR to make the immersive version a reality.

Four Kings One War will support both HTC Vive and Oculus Rift when it arrives, head on over to the Kickstarter page for further info and to back the project. For any more updates, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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