When it comes to virtual reality (VR) videogames – depending on the headset you own – there are generally several titles that are considered ‘must haves’. Experiences that really showcase the power and immersive qualities of the technology, whilst being great introductions for first-time players. Of course, this is all subjective, but one title likely to appear on most lists is bullet dodging SUPERHOT VR. Well, the team behind the videogame have listed their VR essentials by creating a ‘Complete Your Collection’ bundle on Steam.
What the SUPERHOT team have done is create a list of eight videogames you should own and dropped their prices by 15 percent on Steam, making for an attractive pickup if you’ve been thinking about any of the titles selected.
So which VR experiences have been selected. Naturally, SUPERHOT VR is on there – and so it should be – a first-person shooter that’s entirely in slow-mo, only when a player moves do things start to speed up. So this means lots a Matrix-style bullet dodging as they shoot enemies, or grab an ashtray or bottle to fling in their faces.
Next up is Budget Cuts, a robotic stealth title by Neat Corporation. Keeping with the arcade action is Sairento VR which mixes ninja style swordplay and acrobatics with a first-person shooter (FPS). If that all sounds a bit intense then there’s always old-school favourite Job Simulator by Owlchemy Labs which players never seem to tire of.
For those FPS fans out there what’s a must-have list without a zombie title somewhere in the mix. For the SUPERHOT team, it has to be Vertigo Games’ Arizona Sunshine which has a finely crafted campaign alongside a Horde mode which can be enjoyed in single or multiplayer.
Another classic in the list is Space Pirate Trainer from I-Illusions, a great entry level experience to tet those VR skills, yet difficult enough in the later stages for the pros.
The last two both have their own unique qualities, with GORN geing a brutal, brawler with rag-doll physics and copious amounts of gore. While Thumper is an insanely fast and frantic on-rails rhythm action title, where players control a beetle along a cosmic course, taking out mini-bosses along the way.
Check out the Steam bundle here. And for anymore VR deals keep reading VRFocus.
via Mint VR