March 26, 2025

How To Fix “Can’t Reach Oculus Runtime Service” Rift Error

How To Fix “Can’t Reach Oculus Runtime Service” Rift Error

Are you getting a ‘Can’t Reach Oculus Runtime Service’ error when trying to use your Oculus Rift?

This error can happen either when Facebook pushes out a broken update, or when your Rift software becomes corrupt.

Luckily, it’s fairly easy to fix:

  1. Go to
  2. Click ‘Download Oculus Rift Software’ then run the downloaded file
  3. Click Repair

If all goes well, the Oculus software and your Rift should start fully working again. Don’t worry, your Rift games and save data will be kept!

We also recommend you take this opportunity to update your video card drivers, as this is often the cause of other PC VR issues.

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via Mint VR
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