March 17, 202511:43:49 PM

PlayStation VR’s Popular FPS Firewall Zero Hour to Receive new Content DLC Tomorrow

First Contact Entertainment has been one of the few developers to prove that multiplayer only titles can work in virtual reality (VR) when done correctly. Having launched Firewall Zero Hour in the summer, the studio has released two DLC packs up until now, announcing that the third will be released tomorrow.

Firewall Zero Hour - Key Art (E3 2018)

Firewall Zero Hour DLC #3 will feature a new free map called Containment, bringing the total map count up to ten. “Containment is set in an infectious disease lab, tucked away in the remote hills of Greenland. It’s a massive facility that researches viruses and stores deadly bacteria code. Be on the lookout for a number of unique areas within the lab where epic showdowns can take place,” notes Damoun Shabestari, Game Director, First Contact Entertainment on PlayStation Blog.

The DLC pack also includes new clothing camos, weapon camos, trinkets, and patches for purchase hitting the store.

New Clothing and Weapon Camo patterns:

  • Hologram
  • Banana
  • Amphibious
  • Dark Carbon

New Trinkets – Available as a pack:

  • Pigskin
  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Soccer Ball

New Patches – Available as a pack:

  • Medic
  • Samurai
  • Triggered

Firewall Zero Hour - Screenshot (E3 2018)

Additionally, because it’s Chrismas PS Plus members get a free 2018 Ornament Trinket for Firewall Zero Hour to add to their gun. The festive ornament will only be available until 5th January, so don’t forget to pick it up.

Ancillary improvements to Firewall Zero Hour in #3 include:

  • Addition of implementation to deal with idle (“AFK”) players
  • Addition of ability to speak with your teammates during loading screens
  • Addition of Contractor eye movement in the lobby

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Firewall Zero Hour and First Contact Entertainment, reporting back with the latest updates.

via Mint VR
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