March 28, 2025

Towards A Perilous Journey Coming to Oculus Store and Viveport in January 2019

After an initial launch on Steam in this summer, French indie studio Sparkly Games has now confirmed that its colourful sci-fi shooter Towards A Perilous Journey will be coming to Oculus Store and Viveport next month.

TPJ Screen 1

A bullet hell style shooter, Towards A Perilous Journey may have that sweet cartoon vibe, with bright yet simple designs, but the actual gameplay itself has been intentionally created to be difficult right from the outset. Sparkly Games has achieved this by making players control not one but two spaceships at the same time, aided by the background music which has been specially designed to warn them about upcoming enemies.

Each controller represents a ship, so players can keep them apart making them smaller targets, or merge them into one ship which becomes bigger and stronger, and therefore an easier target. Players also have to accumulate energy in order to activate secondary weapons and defensive systems, and to increase their final score

Two game modes are available on Toward a Perilous Journey. An arcade-like mode letting you discover each level independently, or Journey mode where you take on all 24 levels in a row for the ultimate challenge.

TPJ Screen 2

Alongside the gameplay, Sparkly Games has put significant time into the musical component of Toward a Perilous Journey,  with 24 carefully designed ambient Electro music tracks available.

Toward a Perilous Journey is already available through Steam for £9.29 GBP/$11.99 USD/€9.99 EUR. The videogame will be made available via Oculus Store and Viveport on 25th January 2019. For further updates, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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