March 30, 202502:44:29 AM

Budget Cuts Confirmed for PlayStation VR, Oculus Quest Version a Possibility

Originally announced back in 2016, Neat Corporation’s stealth experience Budget Cuts didn’t have a smooth run up to launch, suffering several delays before it arrived for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift in June 2018. This week the studio has confirmed it’s working on a PlayStation VR version, whilst considering the possibility that Budget Cuts may eventually come to Oculus Quest.

Budget Cuts - Combat

In a recent Twitter conversation, Neat Corporation responded to an inquiry about Budget Cuts coming to Oculus’ upcoming standalone headset. To which the studio said: “right now we are working on a PSVR version of budget cuts – quest will require even more of a performance optimization but we will look into it once we are “done” with PSVR!”

Whilst there are no further details on when this might happen, at least PlayStation VR owners know they’ll be getting one of the more unique and well-received PC VR titles from 2018.

What would be great is if Neat Corporation managed to squeeze Budget Cuts onto Oculus Quest, which has a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 mobile processor on board. This could prove to be tricky for some of the larger Oculus Rift titles such as Budget Cuts, although not impossible as videogames like The Climb and Moss are being ported over. Oculus Quest would be a natural home for Budget Cuts as the title features plenty of sneaking around, hiding in vents and other small spaces, ideal for a wireless headset.

Budget Cuts - Bob

Budget Cuts is a stealth experience set in a world full of robots. You play an employee at mega-conglomerate TransCorp who finds out their job is in danger. After a mysterious package arrives you must then head out and save your job. To do this you need to sneak around the facilities, using whatever vents, ceiling crawl spaces and more to remain hidden. Should you be spotted then it’s time for some knife throwing action.

When Neat Corporation releases further details regarding Budget Cuts, VRFocus will let you know.

via Mint VR
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