March 22, 202505:29:32 PM

Check Out More Footage of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown’s PlayStation VR Mode

There are only a few days to go until Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown finally launches for PlayStation 4 with its additional support for PlayStation VR. If your excitement has reached fever pitch, whether you’ve pre-ordered or are just awaiting launch day to pick up your copy, PlayStation Underground has just released a new video where you can see some virtual reality (VR) footage in action. 

As most PlayStation VR players should be all too aware of by now, Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown isn’t a fully fledged VR title. Bandai Namco has instead gone for an add-on approach, where the main campaign can only be played on a regular screen, with specific, custom made missions are available for VR players.

That might be a little disappointing, but from what VRFocus has seen so far those missions are going to look impressive. And that certainly seems to be the response of PlayStation Underground judging by the video. It’s not all PlayStation VR footage so you’ll need to jump to around 5:10 to see the headset in action.

Last week Bandai Namco announced that Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown will include a multiplayer mode, not just a single-player campaign. Up to eight players can go head-to-head in a free for all Deathmatch mode, a Team Deathmatch mode. Unfortunately, this mode seems to be only TV friendly, with VR gamers unable to take part.

VRFocus has been looking forward to Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown for a while now, having previously previewed it in 2017, saying: “In its present state Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown promises high octane flying action for PlayStation VR players that’s sure to encourage legions of fans to try the VR compatibility. As long as Bandai Namco manage to provide enough content to satisfy then PlayStation VR is likely to have another killer exclusive title.”

Originally due for release in 2017, the title was bumped to 2018, before being moved again with an official 2019 launch date. The title appeared in VRFocus Best PlayStation VR Games Coming In 2019‘, and for those looking for the most authentic experience why not pick up the Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown Edition, available at a suggested retail price of £74.99 GBP. Keep an eye out for VRFocus review closer to launch.

via Mint VR
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