March 19, 202507:32:10 PM

Dark Souls-Like VR RPG Swords of Gargantua Closed Beta Starts Feb. 15

swords of gargantua beta image

When PC VR headsets first hit the market it was tough to find a decent melee-focused VR game. Wave shooters were releasing left and right but few developers actually wanted to put a sword or other weapon in your hand to hit stuff, with the exception of Vanishing Realms. Since then the likes of Gorn, Blade & Sorcery, Skyrim VR, Karnage Chronicles, and others have given us that thrill — but not many have done so in a dark, gothic setting with multiplayer. That’s where Swords of Gargantua comes in.

Starting tomorrow, February 15th, and running until next Friday, February 22nd, Gumi Inc. and Yomuneco will host a closed beta testing period for its upcoming VR RPG, Swords of Gargantua.  The closed beta is restricted to Steam uses and will likely support both Rift and Vive. You can apply in the #beta-apply section of the official Discord here.

We’ve gone hands-on with Swords of Gargantua twice now. Both times we were impressed with how fun the melee combat felt, but we’ve yet to see real proof of how robust and feature-filled this game is really going to be. All too often VR titles have solid mechanics that never get fully utilized in the broader context of the game as a whole, so hopefully that isn’t the case here.

Swords of Gargantua will support multiplayer for up to four total people and has a very heavy focus on difficult, tactical, melee combat. Controller wagglers need not apply.

Let us know what you think of the game in the comments below and check out the closed beta over this next week if you get a chance!

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