Sony’s PSVR headset has proven to be something of a white knight for VR. Despite being technically inferior to the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive on almost every level, PlayStation leveraged 20+ years of industry experience to create an awesome line-up for its PS4-based device. PSVR is home to many of VR’s best games and is also arguably the most accessible mainstream headset available.
It’s important to get a list of the best PSVR games right, then. There’s plenty of obvious choices, but PSVR also houses many hidden gems. We wanted to make a list that reflected that.
Throughout the week we’re going to be updating this list with five games a day in ranked order, leading up to the game we’ve crowned as, yes, the very best game on the platform. Once we’re done, this will be our new and definitive list, replacing our previous, smaller version. Updates will appear on this very page so make sure to check back through the week.
Let’s get on with it, then. Here are UploadVR’s 25 best PSVR games.
25. Borderlands 2 VR – Read Our Review
It may not have seen the most nuanced VR integration but Borderlands 2’s massive world, plentiful quests and deep loot system still make it something of a treat for PSVR players. This is the entire original game in which you step onto an alien world in the hopes of finding fame and fortune. You are, of course, met by a legion of deadly beasts to slay and crazy characters to meet.
Sadly, there’s no coop here. But Gearbox has redesigned the game to fit VR instead. That includes the BAMF system that slows down time and allows you to really bring the pain. Pair that with dual-wielding Move controllers to aim and you feel like a real badass.
24. Thumper – Read Our Review
There probably isn’t anything else in VR as palm-sweatingly tense as Thumper, an immensely immersive exploration of anxiety. You shoot down a course, trying to steer into corners to avoid damage, but the game’s pulsating soundtrack and visuals drum up an uncanny sense of dread literally at every turn.
It may be a VR optional game, but there aren’t many other apps out there that can lose you in their hypnotic style. As the track swerves and the music gently growls, the sudden beat of a drum causes your heart to leap and your nerves begin to shred. There’s nothing quite like it.
23. Dirt Rally – Read Our Review
Against all odds, Codemasters did a fantastic job of porting Dirt Rally over to PSVR. This is one of our very favorite VR racers. Unlike some games that strip back their content in VR *cough* Gran Turismo Sport *cough*, Rally provides the full experience inside a headset.
That means there’s plenty of content ready and waiting in this high-speed, bumpy ride. But it’s just how finely tuned the experience is that really separates Dirt Rally from the pack. No one knows how to do racers like Codemasters. The mechanical precision and campaign depth on display here is fantastic. Other racing sims may offer bigger, more authentic experiences, but none are quite as fun to play as Dirt Rally.
22. Arizona Sunshine – Read Our Review
For some strange reason humanity seems absolutely obsessed with the zombie apocalypse. That makes a zombie VR game a huge no-brainer. It may be a few years old now but Arizona Sunshine is still easily the best zombie shooter out on the market right now. It offers a full campaign in which you trek across the unforgiving desert doing battle with hordes of shuffling undead.
To many, Arizona represents the complete FPS package in VR. The campaign is lengthy and includes coop while the unavoidable horde mode is one of the best in the business. It’s the full embodiment of the zombie slaughter dream. It’s no surprise it’s lasted so long in VR arcades too.
21. Deracine – Read Our Review
Deracine might be the most divisive game on this list. It’s developed by From Software, the team that brought you Dark Souls and Bloodborne. Instead of challenging players with tough-as-nails combat, though, this is something different. It’s got an incredibly archaic atmosphere and strangely quiant story that may put some people off. But if you’re partial to a bit of Jane Austin with a supernatural twist, this might be for you.
This story-driven experience casts you as a faerie in a boarding school housing a small group of children. Things start off lightly as you play games with the kids. But Deracine’s best moments come in the second half in which the game takes a harrowing turn. There are concentrated moments of real connection to characters here that make Deracine a truly odd treat.
Tagged with: best PSVR games, FPS, PSVR, racer, shooters
The post The 25 Best PSVR Games: Day #1 appeared first on UploadVR.
via Mint VR