A relatively quiet February for PSVR saw Beat Saber claim the top of Sony’s store charts once again.
Beat Games’ rhythm action sensation topped the lists for both the US and EU regions in February. It’s no surprise; Beat Saber was the best-selling PSVR game on the PlayStation Store for all of 2018. It only released in mid-November. It’s safe to say this one will be topping charts for a long time, then.
Other than that the charts are comprised of the same olf suspects. Job Simulator took second in the EU whereas Superhot took the spot in the US.
Sadly the US side of the list didn’t see any new entries last month. We’d have hoped to see launches like The Mage’s Tale and Dick Wilde 2 take up at least a little new ground. It’s at least a little different on the EU side, though. Crisis VRigade, a bloody police shooter, came in 10th. We didn’t know much about the game beforehand but no doubt the measly £3.99 price tag helped it get onto the list.
This month will welcome some new contenders to the scene. The PSVR version of The Wizards finally launches this week and the long-anticipated Immortal Legacy hits on March 20th. Finally, Ubisoft’s Space Junkies arrives on March 26th. Hopefully these will be enough to shake up the charts.
That said it’s a big week for Beat Saber too. The long-awaited first DLC pack arrives on March 14th. No doub that will help boost sales for the full game too.
Tagged with: Beat Saber, sales
The post Beat Saber Remains On Top Of February PlayStation Store Charts appeared first on UploadVR.
via Mint VR