This week Daily Magic Productions has released its last major update to its fantasy adventure Witching Tower VR for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. While the PC VR version gets improved combat and locomotion, the developer has now confirmed work on the PlayStation VR version.
In actual fact, when the studio first announced Witching Tower VR in early 2018 it did mention plans for a PlayStation VR version, yet no further mention of it was made until this week. It seems that Daily Magic Productions has been solely concentrating on getting the PC version right and free of issues before focusing efforts on the console version.
But that is now taking place, with one of the team responding to a Steam user enquiring about there being no more updates: “Today we released the latest update in Steam (In HTC and Oculus stores a bit later). Not that it is the last, but it’s not worth waiting for updates in the near future. We will be fix [sic] only critical bugs. Now we must fully concentrate on porting Witching Tower to PSVR. We plan to update the game after the release of the game on the PlayStation Store.”
So while there’s no date for the release of Witching Tower VR on PlayStation VR, when it comes to the PC version that’s your lot.
In this final update Daily Magic Productions has reworked the fighting system making enemies less easy to kill. They’re now smarter, able to defend themselves and counterattack for more dynamic battles. The locomotion has also been improved so that players can’t get stuck, there are now smooth turning settings and 3dRudder support.
VRFocus gave Witching Tower VR a reasonable three stars for its review, saying: “While it doesn’t break new ground or offer anything too unique, the Witching Tower is still an enjoyable title for those who love this genre of videogame.”
Currently, Witching Tower VR is on discount via Steam, reduced from £15.49 GBP down to £7.74, a saving of 50 percent. As further details regarding the PlayStation VR version are released, VRFocus will keep you updated.
via Mint VR