March 26, 202509:39:50 AM

Racket Fury: Table Tennis VR Confirmed for Oculus Quest Launch

This week has seen a deluge of videogames being confirmed for the launch of Oculus Quest this Spring, with Oculus releasing a video highlighting a few new ones, and then several developers making their announcements. Well, VRFocus has another to add to that ever-growing list, and that’s Racket Fury: Table Tennis VR.

Racket Fury screenshot

Pixel Edge Games confirmed that Racket Fury: Table Tennis VR would be an Oculus Quest launch title in an email to VRFocus, further bolstering the videogame roster whilst adding another sporting experience alongside Eleven Table Tennis. While the studio has confirmed upcoming support it has to specify if the Oculus Quest version will include any new features.

Racket Fury: Table Tennis VR launched just over a year ago in 2017, initially for HTC Vive before expanding support to include Oculus Rift, Oculus Go and PlayStation VR. Earlier this month the team released a major update, adding cross-platform support between Rift and Vive headsets for the first time – multiplayer did exist just not cross-platform. So hopefully that might mean that the Oculus Quest version could include the same functionality on launch day.

Oculus Go isn’t cross-platform compatible but it does feature a range of new features including serving and a new practice mode.

Racket Fury - PSVR

When VRFocus reviewed Racket Fury: Table Tennis VR on the PlayStation VR in October, we gave it a modest three stars, saying: “Racket Fury: Table Tennis VR is a good table tennis simulator with great physics and a pleasant backdrop, but the lack of multiplayer and strange absence of music leave holes in what would otherwise be a very satisfying title.” With improvements like the addition of cross-platform support, some of those issues are now being addressed.

There’s still no specific release date for Oculus Quest, with the company still sticking to ‘Spring 2019’. Well over 20 titles have now been confirmed for launch day, with the likes of Superhot VR, Vacation SimulatorCreed: Rise to GlorySpace Pirate Trainer, Dance Central, Robo RecallMoss, Beat Saber, The Climb, and Dead & Buried II making the list. As more videogames are revealed for the standalone headset, VRFocus will keep you updated.

via Mint VR
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