March 27, 2025

Angry Birds AR: Isle of Pigs Lands on iOS

The Angry Birds franchise has massively outgrown its original mobile origins, with Rovio Entertainment creating all sorts of merchandise, spin-off videogames and even a film. Thanks to a collaboration with Resolution Games Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs was created, and now there’s an augmented reality (AR) version for owners of Apple phones and tablets. 

Angry Birds AR Structure Destroyed

The classic Angry Birds formula is still there, it’s just been tweaked and refined for a 3D world. The actual gameplay in Angry Birds AR: Isle of Pigs works in a similar fashion to its virtual reality (VR) cousin, whereby players can fully view the pig fortresses before launching their angry birds at the structure. The major difference, its AR so players get that mobile freedom to play anywhere, on a table top, the floor, any suitable flat surface.

Additionally, this also means that AR players have full freedom to walk around each structure, rather than the select teleportation points in the VR version. Which is perfect for getting in close to find weaknesses, hidden items, or to line up that perfect shot. Then players can step back and watch the destruction unfold.

“We’ve received a great reaction following the announcement of Angry Birds AR: Isle of Pigs,” said Kati Levoranta, CEO at Rovio Entertainment in a statement. “Now that the game is available globally, we’re excited to see how fans react once they get their hands on it and experience how seamlessly Angry Birds slingshot gameplay translates to augmented reality.”

Angry Birds AR Slingshotting Red“AR creates interactive experiences like no other for gamers within their own environments,” adds Tommy Palm, co-founder and CEO of Resolution Games. “And, when you mix the rich character engagements and gameplay dynamics Angry Birds fans have come to love, we think it’s a recipe for an incredible amount of fun, and we can’t wait to see what players think.”
Download Angry Birds AR: Isle of Pigs from the App Store now, completely free of charge. And there’s even more in store for Angry Birds fans in 2019, with a movie sequel, The Angry Birds Movie 2, arriving in August, as well as the 10th anniversary to celebrate. As further details are released, VRFocus will keep you updated.

via Mint VR
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