March 20, 202508:41:59 PM

AR Shooter Reality Clash Hits UK and Western Europe

After several years of development, the Reality Gaming Group began a phased global rollout of its augmented reality (AR) combat experience Reality Clash in January. Australia, New Zealand and Denmark were the first countries to see the title arrive, and now that support has widened to the UK and Western Europe.

Reality Clash

Set in an underground world of cryptocurrencies and hackers, Reality Clash features geo-location technology that’s become common in mobile AR videogames – with the aim of getting players out the house. Built using the latest ARKit and ARCore technology from Apple and Google, players are able to compete in real-time first-person shooter (FPS) battles with their friends or bots.

Players have to navigate a 3D map to defend key parts of their own real-world town, city or village; these fights can be team-based, made up of 200 people. When not in combat they’ll need to mine for resources, build new weapons or customise the ones they already have.

“We’re thrilled to make Reality Clash available in the UK and Western Europe,” said Reality Gaming Group’s Co-Founder Tony Pearce in a statement. “Reality Clash offers gamers a whole new way to experience the FPS genre, with exciting geo-location and mining features and an AR interface that doesn’t require clunky add-ons or equipment. Let battle commerce!”

Reality Clash

While the core gameplay revolves around local battles between players, Reality Clash also features a Quick Battle mode if nobody can be found nearby. Players can instantly challenge anyone in different parts of the world and they’ll both be beamed into the same virtual arena to duel it out.

Apart from the previously mentioned territories Reality Clash is also available in The Philippines, Vietnam, Russia and Brazil, with the US to follow (the studio hasn’t confirmed when). The combat title is free to download on AR compatible Android and iOS devices.

In other AR news, those on Apple devices can now play Angry Birds AR: Isle of Pigswhich Rovio Entertainment and Resolution Games announced yesterday and is also free of charge.

VRFocus will continue to report on the latest Reality Clash announcements as the title expands to more locations worldwide.

via Mint VR
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