March 16, 202507:29:00 PM

Thanos Should Be Terrified Of Brie Larson’s Beat Saber Skills

Brie Larson Beat Saber

If you thought Thanos was in trouble after watching Captain Marvel last month, wait until you see Brie Larson’s Beat Saber skills.

Carol Danvers herself appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon last night to promote Avengers: Endgame (which is great, by the way!). But talk of Thanos punching soon gave way to some VR action. Just watch the video below and see.

It turns out Larson is a pretty capable Beat Saber player (better than me for sure). She slices her way through all of Escape on Hard, whereas Fallon himself lasts about ten seconds. She seems pretty happy with the result.

Then again, Larson has been notably interested in VR for some time. Back in 2017 we again joined Fallon for a game of VR Pictionary inside Tilt Brush. She even narrated Felix and Paul’s 2018 VR film, Space Explorers: A New Dawn. It’s no surprise that she can hold her own, then.

This also shows you just how far Beat Saber has come from the plucky little rhythm action game we saw last year to a full-blown VR hit. Beat Games has gone on to sell over a million copies of the title thus far, and that’s before its arrival on the Oculus Quest headset this spring.

Seriously though, does anyone else want to see Larson play Captain Marvel inside Marvel Powers United VR right now? In fact, can we get her, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth and Scarlett Johansson to try a four-player game where they become each of their respective characters? That would sell headsets like hotcakes. Just saying.

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