Oculus sculpting app Medium was a launch title when the Oculus Touch controllers arrived in December 2016, so it’s more than apt that with the release of Oculus Rift S in a few days the creative program is getting a big new update to improve the experience even further.
Just like before Oculus Medium will be available for free when users activate their new Touch controllers for Oculus Rift S and for current users Medium 2.3 will bring a refreshed design, new modes for the Move tool, plus improvements to the precision and hard-surface features.
“For Medium’s new look and feel, we sought to unify colour and form throughout the app, while giving people more control over their sculpting environment,” says Oculus Medium Art Director Tommy Cinquegrano on Oculus Blog. “To fully take advantage of the higher resolution Rift S display, we utilized higher resolutions textures in a more targeted manner, stripping away excess detail on the tool meshes and throughout the sculpting environment.”
Workspace themes now include Classic, Dark, Neutral, and Cute, and users can alter the lighting through atmospheric IBL lighting and textures. A new grid system enables the design of environments, architecture, vehicles, and more to exact measurements in metric units, while the addition of a constrained manipulation to the mirror plane enhances quick movement between scene editing and sculpting.
The Move Tool – which lets users move, twist, and stretch virtual clay – is getting two new modes: Cube Move and Capsule Move. These allow users to translate, rotate, and scale using their hands creating volume, pulling geometry and shaping organic sculptures.
And for dev users, Oculus Medium will introduce three presets: Raw, Real-Time, and 3D Print, in addition to exporting OBJ and FBX. “To use the work you’ve created in Medium in other software, you first need to export it—but each different software package requires its own special set of export parameters,” explains Software Engineer Joe Virskus. “To streamline this, we’ve added export presets for the most common use cases: Optimized, textured exports for real-time 3D game engines; raw, high-detail exports for use in other 3d modeling packages; and a format optimized for 3D printing.”
Medium 2.3 will be available for Oculus Rift and Rift S on 21st May. For further updates, keep reading VRFocus.
via Mint VR