When we first reviewed Superhot VR nearly three years ago we said this:
“SUPERHOT VR is a pure, distilled, injection of unadulterated adrenaline that will get your blood pumping just as quickly as time stops in the game itself. With every movement you make, time creeps forward ever so slightly, and everything from the level design to the way it feels to dodge a series of bullets in slow-motion is orchestrated to reinforce the core ideals of the experience.”
It’s a testament to those ideals that, in mid-2019, Superhot remains arguably the best first-person shooter in VR. In fact, on Oculus Quest, it’s even better than it ever was. It’s somewhat fitting that time has been so kind to a game that’s all about manipulating it.
As with most Quest ports, Superhot’s development team managed to squeeze the entire original game onto Oculus’ new standalone. Unlike most others, though, it’s survived the transition with barely any noticeable concessions. Save for a few inconsequential lighting drawbacks and slightly slower loading speeds, Superhot VR is just as crisp and striking as the PC VR versions. Granted this was never the most visually-pressing game, but it arguably looks even better than the 2017 PSVR port.
More importantly, though, Quest’s tether-free tracking provides a more open, liberating version of the game than what’s come before. Previously Superhot was a game of two battles; one inside the headset and one outside. All of your moves had to consider the physical limitations of the cord connecting you to a PC or console. On Quest, that simply isn’t an issue. The game’s dystopian narrative often asks you to ‘Prove Your Devotion’ and now you can by throwing yourself to the floor and spinning around behind you without the worry of tangling yourself up or yanking a PC off of a desk.
My Quest playthrough was my third time running through Superhot (it’s the only VR game I’ve completed twice, let alone a third time). It’s nothing short of remarkable how fresh, relevant and immediate the game still feels in 2019. Every element of Superhot feels organic in VR, from the way it commands your body to bend and twist with slow-motion precision to the stylish flair of catching a gun mid-air and shooting a blank-faced goon seconds before his knife reaches your eyes. It’s a game about being in control, a game in constant pursuit of empowering the player. There’s nothing else in VR that articulates these emotions as consistently.
It’s just a shame there still isn’t anything ‘new’ to speak of here. While Superhot’s post-game is more robust than it used to be, with speedrun and skill-based modes, we’re way past due for extra levels. If you have already played through the game, it probably isn’t worth reinvesting (the game doesn’t support cross-buy with Oculus Rift) unless you’re jonesing for another playthrough.
Final Score: 9/10 – Amazing
Superhot VR’s hypnotic blend of physical, cinematic action is just as entrancing as it’s ever been on Quest. In fact, the lack of wires truly allows you to devote yourself to its endlessly entertaining levels. It might not be worth a second purchase for existing owners but, for those that haven’t played it already, this is the best version of a genuine classic.
Superhot VR launches on Oculus Quest on Mau 21st for $24.99 and is already available on Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Windows VR and PSVR headsets. Read our Game Review Guidelines for more information on how we arrived at this score.
The post Superhot VR Quest Review: The Best Version Of A Genuine Classic appeared first on UploadVR.
via Mint VR