March 20, 202501:35:25 PM

Oculus Rift Spy Adventure Defector Arrives in July

The Oculus Rift has some big exclusives scheduled for release this year including Stormland and Asgard’s WrathThe other is Defector, a balls-to-the-wall spy adventure from Oculus Studios and the team behind Wilson’s HeartTwisted Pixel. Today, the studios have announced that Defector will be released next month.  

Defector image2

In Defector you play an elite undercover operative sent on a dangerous mission to recover components for a deadly device that can possibly have world-ending consequences. Sounds very much like a James Bond film, doesn’t it? There will be cinematic set pieces like the one on the plane shown in all the trailers so far, and of course, you’ll have plenty of weapons and gadgets to play with.

From your standard suppressed pistols, agents will also be armed with guns which fire bolts of electricity and gauntlets which give you superhuman strength – great for engaging in some melee action, punching enemies into the distance.

“We have a big mix of action and spy set pieces, weapons, melee combat, and character interactions that are all designed from the ground-up for VR,” explains Game Director Dan Bullock in a statement. “There’s no way that a flat medium could convey the insanity of grabbing the wheel of a sports car and driving it out of a plane 30,000 feet in the sky. It’s both ridiculous and awesome—something we could never do in real life and an experience that VR makes exhilarating.”

While Defector is a single-player, story-based experience, the gameplay is branching so that you can choose your own way through each level. Whether you decide to be heartless or fair when dealing with the options put before you, each action will have its own outcome.

And to keep you coming back for more each level in Defector has optional objectives. Completing them will unlock some interesting options, such as altering the visuals for a Wilson’s Heart effect.

Defector is scheduled to launch for Oculus Rift and Oculus Rift S on 11th July 2019. Take a look at the new trailer below to see what the action is like, and for any further updates, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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