With VR starting to really take off, I’ve spent the past week looking at different VR concepts and thought it would be cool to share my personal top three.
Practice Your Public Speaking in VR
I’m sure many of us have had an issue with public speaking at some point in our lives. Personally, growing up I certainly had. I remember vividly, on one occasion during my study in university, I was asked to do a spontaneous presentation in front of the class. It must have been 2 minutes in, where my mind just went completely blank! I remember clicking my fingers hoping my mind would snap back but all I could muster at that point were umms and ahhs. Looking back, my class probably thought I was about to release a hot R&B track.
Anyway, I learned that the only way I can get over this fear was practice, which I did eventually get years later. That being said, one VR concept that really stood out to me was Cerevrum’s Speech Centre VR, a training app that enables users to improve their communication skills (public speaking, interviews, sales pitches etc.) by simulating similar high-pressure scenarios.
First Aid Training in VR
This is something that I think would be beneficial for everyone. Even just a little knowledge of first aid can help save someone’s life. I’ve seen many videos online, where someone would be in need of immediate medical attention, only to have passersby do nothing because they don’t know how to help. In a situation where no health professional is within the vicinity, the situation can get really bad. Luckily, I have not been in such a situation, but you never know when you will and if it ever does happen, and someone close to me, I wouldn’t want to be the one to stand there helplessly.
The video below is by Dual Good Health, who have created VR experiences for first aid emergencies and basic life support training.
Driving Lessons in VR
Admittedly, I passed my driving test on my third try. I’ve had plenty of lessons prior but in the two previous tests I was faced with two new situations that I could have handled much better (if you’re curious, both were on the dual carriageway). The video below is of City Car Driving by Forward, a VR driving simulator that will teach you how to drive a car in a big city with traffic and pedestrians. If this existed before, not only would I have been saving money on lessons, but I would have put in a lot more time into practice.
So those are my personal top three VR concepts. Please let us know in the comment section below, what VR concepts you find interesting and what concepts would you like to see in the future.
via Mint VR