March 25, 202509:24:02 PM

Gamescom 2019 Interview: Lifting the lid on Kamile VR

There was myriad of virtual reality (VR) developers from across the globe at Gamescom 2019 last month, covering a whole swath of gaming genres. While some were well versed in dealing with the crowds for others it was their debut event. The latter was the case for Lithuanian developer Gluk Media and its sci-fi title Kamile VR. Currently awaiting a release on Steam,  creator Bartosh Polonski was on hand to detail what to expect from the videogame.

Kamile VR

Only revealed a couple of weeks prior to Gamescom 2019, Kamile VR is an episodic title in a similar vein to experiences like Vader Immortal: A Star Wars Story, where there are interactive elements but the overall design is centred around a strong narrative the studio wishes to tell.

Kamile VR takes place in a futuristic 2084, a dystopian world where the job market is dominated by AI. Because of this, to make a living most people lend their brainpower for Neural Mining processes which helps further empower the AI capabilities. You play as Kamile, wife of a genius scientist looking to develop a new generation of AI. When a work-related incident turns to tragedy you’re forced to fight and flight in order to protect both son and your husband’s secrets.

In the first episode, you’re able to perform basic actions to uncover the story and explore the area with the experience taking anywhere from 15 – 30 minutes depending on how thorough you are. The gameplay is kept comfortable by employing a fixed point-to-point teleportation system – similar to ARKTIKA.1 or Wilson’s Heart â€“ although that does limit exploration.

Kamile VR

Currently, the first episode of Kamile VR is scheduled for a Steam Early Access launch in October, supporting headsets including Oculus Rift/Rift S, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR.

To learn more about Kamile VR take a look at Polonski’s interview or take a look at VRFocus’ other Gamescom interviews including Vertigo GamesSomnium SpacePixel ReefDark Curry, Carbon Studio, Cortopia Studios, Fast Travel Games and Mammossix. As further details on Kamile VR are released, VRFocus will let you know.

via Mint VR
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