March 19, 202507:00:15 PM

Insomniac Games Release Second Stormland: Sypher Mission Log Trailer

Insomniac Games will be releasing what could quite possibly be its last virtual reality (VR) title for Oculus Rift in a couple of weeks, Stormland, and it looks set to be one of the biggest VR launches of 2019. Last week the studio released the first in a three-part video series showcasing the videogame in more detail. Today, the second part has arrived.


This next trailer takes a much more in-depth look at some of the combat in Stormland whilst two new enemies make an appearance. Some of the content has been shown before like the guns, using containers as cover and pulling the power cells out of enemies to disable them.

Stormland will have a variety of hostiles to deal with, from Sentinels and snipers to flying drones and missile launchers. Those two new ones, well they’re the Blitz Troopers and Goliath Troopers. The latter is so far the biggest unit shown, a big brute of a machine which can form barriers to protect itself and other troops. It’s unclear whether these just need a tremendous amount of firepower to take down or if there are other options available.

That’s one area Stormland seems to have very well covered, options. As previously reported, Insomniac Games wanted to give players the option to free-roam no matter the environment. This meant making every surface climbable rather just in specific areas. In turn, this opens up the strategic possibilities when dealing with multiple hostile forces. There’s also the deadly fauna to consider as well.


Insomniac Games’ Lead VFX Artist Yancy Young shared a few more details on Oculus Blog, commenting: “We have a really cool array of enemy types from short-range Assault Troopers that can close the distance with shotguns, to long-range sniper enemies that blend into the world. The situation when approaching Tempest enemies both in and out of their strongholds is not always what it seems. Players will need to use all of their robotic senses to ensure they’re ready when the bullets start to fly!”

Stormland will be an Oculus Rift/Rift S exclusive when it launches on 14th November. Don’t forget that if you own an Oculus Quest you’ll also be able to play Stormland once Oculus Link has been rolled out. The third video should be arriving next week, when that happens VRFocus will let you know.

via Mint VR
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