March 26, 202511:13:12 AM

Boneworks Imminent, Hololens 2 Shipping & Win Box VR On PSVR || VRecap

Does it smell like Friday to you? It does to us. That can only mean one thing; it’s time for the VRecap.

This week brings a host of virtual and augmented delights all wrapped up in pretty bows. First up, we just learned the release date for Stress Level Zero’s highly anticipated VR first-person shooter (FPS), Boneworks. Like you, we’ve been waiting for ages to get our hands on this one, and we’re very happy to see we won’t have to wait too much longer.

Next up, something you don’t have to wait for. That’s right, Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 is finally shipping to customers. The second iteration of the company’s AR headset is leaner and meaner, but does that mean you should buy one? Before you answer, consider the fact the kit costs some $3,500. Yeah, maybe put the wallet away.

Oh and a bit of Beat Saber news wraps up this week thanks to a collaboration with one of the most popular games of recent years. And, no, it’s not Superhot.

Over in releases we’re talking about the launch of Pistol Whip and the full release of Audica. Combine that with the Beat Saber news and it’s a big week for action rhythm game fans. Comments, meanwhile, cover the breadth of headlines we’ve had this week. As usual, you got opinions.

Finally there’s our competition, which this week includes physical copies of ace VR fitness game, BoxVR on PSVR. You might think the world is all-digital now, but think about the calories you’ll burn getting off your butt to put the disc in the console. Problem solved.

Aaaaaand that’ll do us for this week. Next week is release madness, so make sure to stay tuned for some big reviews!

The post Boneworks Imminent, Hololens 2 Shipping & Win Box VR On PSVR || VRecap appeared first on UploadVR.

via Mint VR
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