March 26, 202511:01:19 PM

First Oculus Quest Screenshots of Affected: The Manor Appear

On Friday 13th in September, British virtual reality (VR) developer Fallen Planet Studios announced it was working on an Oculus Quest version of its popular haunted house title, Affected: The Manor. This week the studio released the first couple of screenshots of the port, and it’s already looking promising.

Affected: The Manor - Oculus Quest

Affected: The Manor became a horror favourite among VR fans back in 2016 when the title first arrived for Gear VR. Since then the experience has been ported to the likes of Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR. Due to the technology when Affected: The Manor was originally developed its less of a videogame and more of a ‘walkthrough horror’ as the studio has previously described it, with players only able to affect movement.

The Oculus Quest version, on the other hand, is going to get a few upgrades. As Fallen Planet Studios’ CEO Alex Moretti mentions in a blog post: “To take advantage of Quest’s abilities, we brought hand avatars and interactivity to the experience for the first time, making you feel more ingrained in the environment. Small additions include the ability to interact with doors (they opened automatically before) and other parts of the environment; all intended to make you really feel like you’re in that manor!”

Even with those new interactions, Affected: The Manor still won’t be gamified with items like puzzles or trying to find keys to unlock doors. The team see this as an important factor, keeping the entry-level simple so anyone can enjoy the experience.

Affected: The Manor - Oculus Quest

Affected: The Manor is the only consumer-focused VR title the studio has released but the franchise does include many other editions aimed at location-based entertainment (LBE). These include Affected: Ghost Rider, a motion simulator at a theme park in South Korea; Affected: The Visit made in collaboration with Ultrahaptics, and Affected: The Hotel in Las Vegas. Work is also still ongoing with Affected: The Carnival, with more details still to come.

Fallen Planet Studios is currently aiming to have Affected: The Manor out for 28th November on Oculus Quest. If that does slide VRFocus will let you know as soon as possible.

via Mint VR
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