Since launch earlier this month, PSVR exclusive Golem has split people down the middle. Many love the game’s sprawling world and tough combat. Others struggled with it’s locomotion options.
But a new patch for the game from developer Highwire Games is looking to address some of those complaints.
Movement options are the core focus of Golem v1.02. For example, you can now turn off the adaptive turning feature, which changes your direction with slight twists of the head. It’s primarily used with the lean-based Incline control scheme, but it’s made some players feel sick. With the option disabled, you can rely on the quick turn buttons instead. Quick turn options have also been expanded to include more angles and other tweaks.
Elsewhere Highwire also removed a feature that slowed your golem’s movement when looking at your feet. This was implemented in an attempt to communicate that you did not need to look down to move your golem; you need to lean forward. But, in the developer’s own words, players “began complaining that their golem was too slow while they were looking at their feet.”
Perhaps the most interesting of the movement updates, though, is support for the PlayStation Navigation Controller. This was a companion device for the Move when the motion controller originally released on PS3. It sported an analogue stick, a little like a Wii nunchuck. Very few (if any) PSVR games actually support it, and it was never put back up for sale like the Move. Still, if you want to use one instead of awkwardly holding the DualShock 4 for stick-based movement, you can do that.
Also included in the patch is a left handed mode and some other fixes.
Another update is also in the works, and Highwire is thinking of including several features. That includes continuous smooth turning and potentially even support for another Move controller as a virtual stick. Finally, the game could also get a Hard Mode, for those that really like to punish themselves.
We can’t help but think that support for the 3drudder foot controller might be a good idea too, given that’s designed for seated locomotion and Golem is intended to be played seated. What updates would you like to see for Golem? Let us know in the comments below!
The post Golem Patch Adds Support For The Obscure PlayStation Nav Controller And Other Options appeared first on UploadVR.
via Mint VR