March 27, 202508:56:07 PM

HyperDash Is A New Multiplayer VR Arena FPS That Reminds Us Of RIGS

Remember RIGS? That PSVR launch game from the now-defunct Guerrilla Cambridge studio? We sort of miss its esports-style antics. Fortunately, HyperDash looks like it might fill that void.

I mean that mainly in terms of aesthetic. Developed by Triangle Factory, HyperDash is an arena-based multiplayer shooter that imagines its VR deathmatches as televised events. It might not have giant mechs, but the game will utilize a dash-based movement scheme and you can even grind on rails for stylish shots at your opponents. Check out the trailer for the game below.

“You can “dash” on a rail and pick the direction you want to move by tilting your controller (left/right),” Lead Designer Jeroen Dessaux explained to me over email. “You can jump on and off a rail at any point. You’re an easy target on the rail, but it’s a good way to get you to where you want to be in the map. We design the grind rails so they’re not too curvy, and because we give the player a constant speed during grinding, we can avoid making people uncomfortable. It looks and feels awesome.”

Full platforms haven’t been officially announced but Triangle Factory is hoping to bring the game to Oculus Quest first and foremost. “If Oculus will have us (we still need to get approved for Quest), we’d like to release on Quest first,” Dessaux said. “But there is no confirmed list of platforms yet.”

Finally, Triangle Factory is planning a testing phase for early next year for members of its Discord channel.

The post HyperDash Is A New Multiplayer VR Arena FPS That Reminds Us Of RIGS appeared first on UploadVR.

via Mint VR
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