March 22, 202501:03:40 PM

Japan’s NEWVIEW Awards 2019 Returns to Celebrate VR Art & Culture

Here in the UK the AIXR held the recent VR Awards event, celebrating the great strides made within the industry, from consumer entertainment to education and enterprise. Over in Japan, however, the upcoming NEWVIEW Awards 2019 is celebrating VR in an entirely different way.

Being held in Shibuya, Tokyo, next month, the NEWVIEW Awards 2019 aim to celebrate the fields of fashion, culture, and art. Under a theme of ‘Design You Ultra-Experience’, 145 submissions have been received since the summer opening of applications, from eight countries.

The idea was to use VR tool Styly to create interesting immersive projects which adhered to one of the critera; Novelty/Originality, Experience or Impact. Submissions could use additional tools in the production process, such as 3DCG, game engine, DAW of example but the submissios had to be made through the STYLY platform. Out of those submitted 25 have been selected to continue into the final rounds. These are:

  • Absences of life by wakuwa / Japan
  • C’est la vie, SHOGYO-MUJO by Saki Takegawa / Japan
  • Piece of String by Wyatt Roy / US
  • VR Manga World for STYLY by Aki Oe / Japan
  • The Pit by Dave Maggio / US / Japan
  • ne.mui by Natuki Ono / Japan
  • The 23-year-old confession by Wong Hoi Ian / Taiwan
  • MODAL by Ryo Takekawa / Japan
  • The Tower of Babel by 525600min / Japan
  • Define Float by takafumi oyama / Japan
  • TSUKUMO by Keisuke Ito / Japan
  • Takkun Museum by Takkun / Japan
  • Merging Memories by Kenichiro Hirai / Japan
  • THE CUBE by Nao Ito / Japan
  • VR Glitch by 5hamburgs Mayu / Japan
  • Her Tranquil Day by Q&A PROJECT / Japan
  • CocoTsuki VRMV – Android Girl – by CocoTsuki Project(CocoTsuki)/ Japan
  • ORgeL by Mask du Video / Japan
  • Transparent Planet – Mika Maruyama / Japan
  • INTERSUBJECTIVITY by God Scorpian / Japan
  • Many sides by C / Japan
  • Dark Room by Yuuki Matsuoka / Japan
  • (SILVER COLORED) WATET TANK by Discont / Japan
  • REMINISCENCE – The Recollection of a Man by TeamMIKAMI (from OMNIBUS JAPAN) / Japan
  • Digital Bonsai [Ko chuu Sya] -Social in a pottery by Ginga Kondo / Japan

NEWVIEW Awards mixed image

All these artworks will then feature in an exhibition at Shibuya Parco for the public to view. When the final event takes place on 15th December, three artworks will be awarded a silver prize of $5,000 USD with one awarded the gold prize of $20,000. There will also be several other awards handed out during the show.

Head on over to the NEWVIEW Awards to see all the submission finalists and for further VR news from around the world, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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