March 26, 202511:16:31 AM

Reality Clash Developer Diary – November 2019

The past month has once again flown by, with the team appearing at several conferences, award shows and even flying halfway across the world to Jordan and China.

But there’s no rest for the wicked – game development and research has continued, with improvements being made to the live Reality Clash build throughout October. For example, players will notice that the red boundary warning screen is now far less intrusive than it was previously, as we have pushed back the walls of our virtual world – to avoid disruption to play.

As mentioned in our last Diary, we have also been delving into the world of Admix, an innovative new piece of software which places immersive advertising within AR/VR game worlds. This has been a fantastic experience and really highlights the possibilities for future in-game advertising that – believe or not – can actually improve the player experience and provide a more immersive environment.

We are also proud to have taken home the Crypto Games Conference award for ‘Best AR/VR Game’ in this year’s award ceremony in Kiev. This marks another award win for the Reality Gaming Group Studio, but don’t worry, we won’t let it go to our heads.

As alluded to above, both Reality Clash founders have had another busy month, with Tony Pearce speaking at the Global Mobile Games Conference, which was hosted in Jordan.

And in addition to ongoing development work, Morten also attended and spoke at the Design & Creativity week in China as part of a new agreement between Reality Clash publisher Reality Gaming Group and the Chengdu government. This is an exciting new opportunity for the studio as we expand in 2020.

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That’s not all. We have also teamed up with the cross-reality gaming platform Silica Nexus. We will be working with their innovative technology on the development and distribution of tokenised in-game assets. For starters, Reality Clash will be offering limited edition Silica Nexus guns inside videogame vending machines as prizes. Next year these vending machines will be located inside some of the largest arcades across the USA.

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As part of this partnership, Silica Nexus will be promoting Reality Clash alongside their own platform at the IAAPA Expo in Orlando this month. As part of the event, we’ve designed an exclusive Reality Clash gun that will be awarded to new users and tournament attendees. Best of luck to everyone!

We are looking forward to our ongoing work with Silica Nexus as they bring new technology and possibilities to an already forward-thinking AR/VR industry.

Stay tuned for next month’s developer diary where we reveal more details about our upcoming STO funding round!

via Mint VR
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