March 17, 202507:22:30 AM

Feel the Ups and Downs of Radial-G: Proteus in This Gameplay Footage

It’s been a while since VRFocus’ last gameplay video so with Christmas coming up it was time for something special. And what better headset to choose than Oculus Quest in conjunction with upcoming racer Radial-G: Proteus from Things3D.

Radial-G: Proteus

As you’ll see from the accompanying video Radial-G: Proteus is a futuristic sci-fi racer involving anti-gravity vehicles, weapons and some insane tracks. A single-player experience where you compete against AI but with the addition of online leaderboards so you can challenge other players times, the gameplay modes are split down between Career, Race and Lap Attack.

Career offers the core experience with a variety of modes plus the ability to unlock more vehicles as you progress. Not wanting to spoil too much of the title, VRFocus dived into Race for this video. Here you can tailor each race to your own liking, add guns or don’t, alter the laps and much more. Choosing the standard vehicle everyone will start with, VRFocus went for a medium difficulty track to help showcase how the courses can drastically change as well as the obstacles you’ll face.

In addition to the video, you may also want to check out the preview of Radial-G: Proteus which goes a little more in-depth regarding the gameplay characteristics. While Radial-G: Proteus will be a welcome addition to the Oculus Quest racing roster – which is a little lacking – the track design won’t be to everyone’s liking.

Radial-G: Proteus screenshot

Radial-G: Proteus is a refresh of Tammeka Games’ 2016 title Radial-G: Racing Revolved. Created specifically for Oculus Quest, the videogame has seen a visual overhaul with a new cel-shaded art style. It’ll also be the first virtual reality (VR) title from newly formed publisher Things3D.

Take a look at the gameplay video below ahead of Radial-G: Proteus’ launch on 17th December for Oculus Quest. Also regarding the standalone headset, Viveport Infinity has now confirmed official support thanks to Oculus Link, and if you’ve not bought an Oculus Quest yet then don’t forget until 31st January 2020 Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series is free with every device purchase.

For all the latest Oculus Quest updates, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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