March 18, 202503:56:42 AM

First Official Trailer for Twin Peaks VR is as Strange as You’d Expect

Last year Collider Games and Showtime revealed that they were working on a virtual reality (VR) experience based upon David Lynch’s iconic TV show Twin PeaksInvolving Lynch in the project for continued authenticity, the developer has now released the first official trailer for Twin Peaks VR ahead of a planned launch at some point this month.

Twin Peaks VR

The title definitely looks like its catering towards the fans by offering plenty of the infamous locations, including the Red Room, Ghostwood’ Forest’s Glastonbury Grove, the Sheriff’s Department and the Glass Box Observation in New York. If you’ve never seen the series then a lot of this might be lost on you and just appear really bizarre and weird – much like the show.

Twin Peaks VR isn’t purely some walkthrough of the locations from the three series, Collider Games will also put interactive elements in the experience. There will be puzzles to solve and plenty of Easter Eggs to discover from the show to keep you engrossed. The show is now almost 30 years old, with the first series debuting in 1990 followed by series two in 91′. Then in 2017 Showtime brought it back, not as a reboot but a continuation, forming a limited series three. So it may well be worth giving all three another watch to fully understand this VR edition.

Whether the VR title manages to retain the same atmosphere which helped make the show what it was is another matter. The trailer certainly comes across as a little creepy – the Killer BOB orb does make an appearance – so hopefully with Lynch on board there’s a lot to look forward to.

Twin Peaks VR

Collider Games will be releasing Twin Peaks VR at some point this month via Steam for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Valve Index headsets. Oculus Quest and PlayStation VR versions are also planned for some point in the future.

When a date for Twin Peaks VR is revealed – which shouldn’t be too long – VRFocus will let you know.

via Mint VR
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