Last year positional tracking company Antilatency launched its hardware and software system based around its tracking module ALT, designed for location-based entertainment (LBE) venues. Antilatency recently updated its software development kit (SDK) to version 1.0.0, in the process adding support for Oculus Quest.
The SDK update allows for full-body tracking of an Oculus Quest user, where the head and foot tracking is performed by Antilatency trackers while the hand tracking is still done via the headsets’ normal controller. As the video below demonstrates, an Antilatency tracker is attached to the front of the headset while another two are attached to the lower portion of each leg, thus allowing LBE venues to make use of the popular device.
Other software updates added to v1.0.0 include:
- a redesigned radio protocol with improved bandwidth, crosstalk protection, connection procedure, and maximal radio packet size.
- an environment generator for defining the most effective IR pattern for your area.
- custom areas in the environment editor for creating compact desk setups, setups with a smaller size, or with a different proportion of the marker locations inside a linear pattern, etc.
- an update system for getting the last version of firmware for all your Antilatency devices.
- a device tree in DeviceNetwork for checking the hierarchy of devices connected to a host and getting all the information for each socket or tracker.
It’s not only the software Antilatency has improved. Several hardware elements have been such as the Bracer, a lightweight VR controller which attaches to the hand around the palm. The Bracer allows a hand to be tracked whilst leaving your fingers free to interact with physical objects. Additionally, the Bracer can recognize grab and drop gestures.
Antilatency’s system works in conjunction with adjustable floor tiles to track a player. Now there’s a new ceiling setup for locations that can’t use the floor system. The tracking technology remains the same, but the setup consists of separate active markers and connecting wires placed above a suspended ceiling. This does mean it’s not as mobile as the floor setup.
The Antilatency Dev Kit is available for $350 with all the additional components available depending on requirements. For further updates on Antilatency’s tracking solution, keep reading VRFocus.
via Mint VR