March 26, 202509:39:48 AM

The Remedy Is A Free Oculus Quest Short With Blistering Action – Quick Review

The Remedy suggests several promising paths forward for VR narratives. In its first half this spritely VR animation, released as one of the free new Quillistrations on Oculus Quest, offers an enticing look at virtual comic books. Pristine art direction meets 3D storyboarding with lavish execution, and the carefully selected animations give director/artist Daniel Martin Peixe’s creations a beating heart.

The Remedy Oculus Quest Impressions

But it’s the second part of this hugely enjoyable short, in which a mother journeys to the heart of an active volcano to save her son, that really stands out. Here Peixe attempts bold action sequencing, hoping to capture an intimate ferocity by pitting viewers in the heat of the action.

The Remedy Oculus Quest 2

I was reminded of the unrelenting machine gun fire pacing of Battlescar, delivered in violent bursts instead of stretched out across the entire narrative. Here The Remedy moves with such veracity and confidence you could, for a split second, mistake its swirls of fiery oranges and determined expressions for the lure of a summer blockbuster. It’s there for just a moment, but it’s as immersive an instance as you’ll discover on Quest.

It is at times a little too brash, pulling some tilted camera angles and fast cuts that leave your stomach in the previous scene. Sudden drops appear from nowhere and your view lurches back in order to see the scope of some sequences. A little inelegant, perhaps, but the momentary distraction is just that.

The Remedy delivers a welcome shot of adrenaline to VR storytelling; a surprising crunch of combat choreography met with typically stunning visuals. If you have a Quest, it won’t take a penny from your wallet, nor more than a few minutes of your day to sample a prime example of the kinds of treasures VR storytelling holds.

The Remedy is available in the Oculus TV section on Oculus Quest. It’s free to watch.

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via Mint VR
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